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New BEIS report reveals uplift in renewable energy generation

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A new report published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in recent days has revealed a substantial uplift in renewable energy generation across the UK.

According to the latest Energy Trends report, overall renewable power generation grew by 18.8 per cent year-on-year in 2017, rising from the 83.2 TWh recorded the previous year to hit an impressive 98.9 TWh.

Overall, renewable energy sources accounted for 28.1 per cent of gross electricity consumption, up 3.5 per cent on figures recorded in 2016, the report reveals.

Meanwhile, renewables’ share of electricity generation rose to 29.4 per cent during the same period, again indicative of a significant percentage rise (4.9 per cent).

BEIS noted that high wind speeds throughout the year, coupled with increased capacity for renewables, helped to bolster renewable power generation throughout the year.

According to the report, capacity increased by 13.3 per cent over the course of the year, while high wind speeds meant that wind accounted for a record 15 per cent of Britain’s electricity mix – up 11 per cent year-on-year.

Despite this, the report reveals that bioenergy is still the UK’s largest single source of renewable electricity, having made up 32 per cent of the mix last year.

Commenting, Emma Pinchbeck, Executive Director at Renewable UK, described 2017 as “another record-breaking year for wind energy” and noted that “the move to a smart, renewables-led energy system” was “well underway.”

BEIS’ full report can be accessed here.
