Do I need to instruct a Solicitor to administer the wishes of the deceased? Not necessarily. However it always pays to take professional advice to ensure you are correctly dealing with the terms of the will and more importantly you are taking advantage of...
When it comes to Inheritance planning there are a number of approaches you can take, but you first need to establish a starting point which is what is your net worth and the type of assets that comprise your asset base. Another important factor is who...
A Power of Attorney or Lasting Power of Attorney as they are known, is incredibly important and can only be entered into whilst you still have the metal capacity to do so. Should you lose your capacity through illness or an accident, it will be too...
If you die without leaving a valid will, your estate (being your property, money and personal possessions) will be divided up in accordance with the intestacy rules. Dying without a Will is known as dying “intestate” which means without...
Those of us with an interest in tax, or a concern for the impact of tax on our estate, will remember a report published by the OTS a few years ago on suggested changes to Inheritance Tax (IHT). I will not repeat the terms of that report here, but suffice to...
It can be difficult to stay up to date on the current tax situation given the number of statements and “mini-budgets” that have occurred recently, all of which have changed rates and allowances. Let us hope that things settle down into something...