Services for Me

Administration of Estates

What do I do when someone has died?

It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to dealing with the practical and financial tasks that need to be completed after someone has died. 
At mfg our team of local experts can assist you at the outset offering initial practical advice from registering the death and arranging the funeral through to distribution of inheritance to beneficiaries.  

A loved one has died and I have their Will but I do not know what I should be doing with their bank accounts and property?

Our private client team are experienced in all aspects of probate and estate administration.  We can guide you through the practical steps and can provide a full estate administration service, including obtaining Grant of Probate (where there is a Will) or Letters of Administration (where there is no Will), completing HMRC forms, calculating Inheritance Tax and accounting to HMRC, encashing or transferring assets where necessary, settling liabilities, contacting beneficiaries and making distributions to those beneficiaries.  Or in certain circumstances we can simply make a fast and efficient application for Grant of Probate only.

For more information on Administration of Estates or to enquire about an initial consultation, please call to speak to one of our friendly experts.

What happens if there is a Will but I want to include someone who has not been mentioned in the Will?

It is possible to alter how an estate is distributed when someone dies with or without leaving a Will or if a Will is invalid, by Deed of Variation provided all those due to inherit agree.

Get in Touch

To discuss the preparation of a Deed of Variation further, please contact one of our specialists. We serve clients across the West Midlands with local offices in BirminghamBromsgroveKidderminsterLudlowTelford and Worcester. Give us a call on 0845 55 55 321, or fill in one of our Contact forms and a member of our team will be in touch.