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Court of Protection appoint independent deputy to manage man's affairs

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A woman has been denied the right to take control of her elderly father’s finances amid fears she was exerting “undue influence” over him.

The Court of Protection agreed that there were unanswered questions about the daughter’s conduct and decided that responsibility should be placed in the hands of an independent court deputy.

Judge Denzil Lush, sitting in London, heard that other members of the family had expressed concerns about the unnamed woman, who had struggled with drug addiction.

They feared she was trying to extract money from her father, who was in his 80s and suffering from dementia.

Having heard the evidence, Judge Lush agreed that, in the circumstances, it would be inappropriate to appoint the daughter as deputy.

“There are questions to be answered about the amount of money she has received from him and the extent to which she may have exerted undue influence over him when obtaining those funds,” he said.

The family’s identity was not made public.
