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Shropshire Lawyer Thrilled with appointment onto government advisory committee

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Shropshire Lawyer ‘Thrilled’ with appointment onto government advisory committee

A Shropshire solicitor has been elected to serve on a high profile advisory committee which helps shape government legislation affecting landowners, farmers and rural businesses.

Sarah Baugh, partner and head of the rural and agricultural division at Telford-based MFG Solicitors, will this month begin a five-year term on the CLA’s (Country Landowner and Business Association) National Legal, Parliamentary and Property Rights Sub Committee. The rurally-focused group plays a pivotal role in studying draft bills and policy amendments whilst also acting as strategic government advisors on topics linked to the UK’s rural communities.

Commenting on her appointment, Ms Baugh said: “I’m thrilled at being elected to serve on the CLA’s sub-committee. The group has a vital role in helping to structure significant legislation which affects the country’s rural communities, businesses and landowners. Having a voice at this level will see me playing a part in helping to shape the future legal landscape of British agriculture whilst also drawing upon the experiences throughout my 12 years as a rural lawyer. It’s a proud moment.”

Congratulating Sarah on her appointment, Caroline Bedell, Regional Director at the CLA said; “It is excellent news that Sarah has been accepted onto the committee. It is really important that the views and issues of the Staffordshire/West Midlands CLA members are raised nationally to ensure legislation does not adversely impact farmers, landowners and rural business.”

Sarah is one of only five solicitors hand-picked from across the UK to serve on the CLA’s committee alongside the organisation’s legal team. She was appointed as partner at MFG Solicitors in 2006.
