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Worcester law firm backs young swim stars for third year running

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A Worcester firm of solicitors has helped a popular city swimming club for the third year running with a £500 donation.

Lawyers at Tything-based mfg Solicitors gave the donation to Worcester Swimming Club to help them hold their annual awards evening, showcasing the swimming talent among its members, who are aged between seven and 18.

The event, held at Sixways Stadium, celebrated the club’s competitive swimmers who competed at the 2019 Championships with a number of stand-out swimmers being recognised.  

Darryll Thomas, a partner at mfg Solicitors, presented many of the awards at the event.

He said: “It’s always been a big thing for us to support, recognise and encourage local sporting talent and the awards evening showed just how many first-class young swimming stars we have here in Worcester.

“Worcester Swimming Club relies on a variety of volunteers so it was brilliant to also see those often un-sung heroes, including the coaches, recognised alongside the boys and girls.

“Congratulations again to everyone involved and we will be tracking their progress closely this year.”
